Tuesday, 28 September 2010

step by step on how i did my poster part 1

here is the image i found on google images. This is my base image that i used from the very beggining.
 Then i added the city that i had chosen on google images which is manhattan. This was really easy to do.. basically i cut out the image using the magic wand tool >

To select the areas that you want to delete, this is where you have the dotted lines around the area that you are going to delete when you like what you see press the delete key and delete the selected area.
 Then i made the opacity lower so that it blended in with the picture, i also edited the color balence to make it look more blue and make it look more realistic.
The next step was to add in dolphins to my picture to make it feel more like it is underwater, i wanted to add dolphins because they look quite nice in a picture with an underwater i think. I tryed the magic want tool with this one but the colour of the dolphins and the colour of the water were to much the same so the tool cut half of the dolphins out to, so this picture took me a lot more time because i had to go around every dolphin with the rubber tool and made it look more realistic.
 The shadow's i added by right clicking on the layer and pressing blending options. >

Then pressed on drop shadow  & changed all of the bars to the way i wanted it. The next step was adding the white tiger. I found the image of the white tiger on google images which is where i found all of the images i used. I cut the tiger out using the rubber tool and then edited the color balence to make it blend more with the picture.
 The next step after this was to add the statue of liberty's head, this was the same process as the other images but i had to add some highlight points and some shading points to blend it into the picture and the color balence was edited with this picture to.
 Then i decided to add a humpback whale into the picture to make it look like it was swimming over the city.

The next step was to add bubble from the tiger and dolphins which was easy to do by editing the brush tool in the right sife of the panel.
This was the final idea i had but after looking at it a couple off times i thought it needed more stuff in it which is where i come up with my next set of ideas.

my final idea

This is my final poster that i completed at the weekend.. i edited the tail to make it look more realistic & adding shine to it, then the bubble's were added using the brush tool and the shadows ect.
I am going to do a tutorial on how to create the mermaid tail from scratch in photoshop using the paint brush tool and photos.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

my poster idea so far...

This is part of my poster so far... i don't know whether to add more but i am still editing it along the way.. i am going to put a post up about how i made Megan fox's feet into a mermaid.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

example of font

I downloaded a font from 'Dafont' which i found is a good site to get free fonts if you are making a poster or something whithin photoshop, it has different themes you can look through if you have a theme for whatever you are doing. I usually use it when i am at home. The font i have used is called Ghettomarquee.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

my plan for poster

This is one of my plans for the magazine poster that i tryed to see what it looked like and i do like it. Its kind of a future idea, because global warming and the melting of the snow everything has learnt to live under the water.

leopard rhino

We also did a leopard rino which basically is a rino with leopard print skin.
we started off with a basic picture of a rhino

Then we loaded a basic picture of a leopard.
Then we put both of of the documents in the same photoshop window then reduced the opacity of the leopard and put it down till we could see the hippo enough to move the skin over it.

Then we used liquify to drag the leopard skin all over the rhino so that its entire body was covered .
After editing this i had a finished the lhino.

hippo lizzard

Our task today was to watch a demo and create a half hippo half lizzard
we started off with the lizzerd.
Then we had a cut out head of a hippo and placed it onto the lizzerd picture

Placing the image of the hippo over the lizzerd image was pretty easy, you simply drag the head of the hippo and place it where you think it looks best. Then press edit and the button free transform and you can then change the size and angle of the hippo head. .....so that it fits exactly on the neck of the lizzerd ans so that it looks realistic.
The next task is to change the colour of the hippos head so that the colour is exactly the same as the lizzerds body. This is done by adding a color balence layer to the picture and moving the sliders up and down to get the exact color.

The next thing you do after this is to blend in the head to to the body so it doesn't bold and stuck out, this will definetly make it look like its a real 'hizzard'.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

mind map

This is our mindmap that we all added things onto hopefully some of these things will help me with the final magazine peice.

mind map images for global warming and snow

Here are some images i found to do with global warming and snow that may be some ideas for my magazine peice.Some of them amy be useful in my final thing but im still trying to find more images that would relate to that.

bitmap images

Bitmap images (also known as raster images) are made up of pixels  in a grid. Pixels are picture elements; tiny dots of individual color that make up what you see on your screen.
Most computer monitors display approximately 70 to 100 pixels per inch--the actual number depends on your monitor and screen settings.
Bitmap images are resolution dependent. Resolution refers to the number of pixels in an image and is usually stated as dpi (dots per inch) or ppi (pixels per inch). Bitmap images are displayed on your computer screen at screen resolution: approximately 100 ppi. However, when printing bitmaps, your printer needs much more image data than a monitor. In order to render a bitmap image accurately, the typical desktop printer needs 150-300 ppi.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Artist- Alessio Radice

I have researched another artist called Alessio Radice because I really like his work.

This picture is one of my favourites because it is different and i like the look of it. 
·         . The colours I like because they have used mainly pink in this picture which brings the girl out more in this painting. And makes her look bolder.
·         I also like the way that this artist had done the buildings. Most of their work makes things look like they are melting which exactly what they have done in the background of this picture. Although I am not to sure what they are trying to do with the melting buildings i am pretty sure that the melting building’s shadow has been added to the background to make it feel more realistic than what it is.

·         This image is called runaway which may be a clue to why the buildings are melting because maybe the artist is thinking about what you would think, maybe she is thinking that she doesn’t want to see it again so she is melting it from her brain. That is one possibility but there could be many more.

Artists-Bert Monroy

Bert Monroy is an American artist best known for his skill in using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. I really like his work and what he has done in films. I think it is amazing the skill he has and what he has done with it. Monroy is considered by most Pixel Perfect viewers to be one of the pioneers of digital art. Which I can understand because some of the work he has done is incredible what he has done with Photoshop & what can be achieved with it when you have experience.
This picture he has achieved using Photoshop is amazing the detail he has used making this and the time he as put into it is probably what makes him so well known t most people.

I think his work will influence me a lot because it is something that I would like to achieve sometime in the future.
Some of the films he has done e.g. lord of the rings is something I would love to get on with in the future.

Artists- Simone Legno

One of the artists i have researched is Simone Legno. I like his work because i like his types of drawings, he seems to have a big imagination and put this into his work. I found out he is an Italian artist, his work is also influenced by his interest in Japan & it's culture.

I don't think his work will really influence me because I’m not really into cartoons but i do like what he does because I really like the colours he uses they are bright and make his work stand out. He is the co finder of his work tokidoki he drew constantly as a child and i guess that is where he got his talent from. The word tokidoki means ‘sometimes’ in Japan which is where he got his inspiration. Simone's special moment arrived when his designs drew the attention of entrepreneurs Pooneh Mohajer and Ivan Arnold, who spied the art on his personal website and convinced him to move to L.A. to start up a dynamic new partnership with them. Simone has been a sought-after speaker around the world at museums, universities and conferences, from MOCA (the Geffen Museum-Los Angeles) to the Adobe MAX conference, UCLA, USC, the Flash Film Festival in San Francisco, Istituto Europeo di Design in Rome, Grafika Manila and many others.

“Tokidoki is the hope, the hidden energy that everyone has inside, It gives us the strength to face a new day and dream about something positive and the hope that something magical will happen to us.” - Simone Legno

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

underwater scene.

Today we had to create a underwater scene using photoshop. We started with an image of a park type place & ended up with a under water scene which included a plane & a shark.
To do this we used a range of differnemt tools like layers again & the opacity sliders also the gradient tool and the lasso tool. There were a lot more things but i still need learn more about them.
Heres the picture that we started with .

& heres the picture that we ended with. Im not to happy with the final thing as there are some things that didn't really work e.g. There is a straight line which is really bold and i can see it really well and i have been trying to edit it to make it less visible but everything i have been trying seems not to do anything. But everything else seems to be ok although i do need to make the shark more imerged in the enviroment as it is looking a bit bold and stands out quite a lot but im sure i will be able to change something about that as i progress.

Monday, 13 September 2010

photoshop demo

 In photoshop we uese diffferent tools to make our blue orb's, so far we have got the colour & the tail. We were also changing the sizes of the brushes using the square brackets e.g. [~ to make it bigger ]~ to make it smaller, you can find this on the keyboard. For the smudge tool we used zero hardness because we wanted a soft edge effect to make it look smooth.
We also used the layers panel which is pretty simple to use, when you create a new layer you can do whatever on that layer when it is clicked when you unclick it you can't.
Heres the finished orb. I think the final result is ok but i think i could have done a lot better on this. The orb doesn't seem to be as glowing as i would like it but i think its oik for my first try.

On this edited version of the orb i have used the brush tool. I have made my own brush tool to create the bubble effect that is now on the picture. I have also used the drag opacity tool to make the bubbles look more like they are under water and it makes the orb look more realistic. I think that it is pretty cool what has come out of making these brushes

 The final things we did was to create a green orb exaclty like the blue orb to add to the woman image. Then we added some green and blue highlights where we thought they would go if they were actually a light. Heres the final image that i put it together.

 I really like my final image that we put together it turned out better than i expected, the light in places has turned out to look good where it is which i am really happy about.
