Tuesday, 14 September 2010

underwater scene.

Today we had to create a underwater scene using photoshop. We started with an image of a park type place & ended up with a under water scene which included a plane & a shark.
To do this we used a range of differnemt tools like layers again & the opacity sliders also the gradient tool and the lasso tool. There were a lot more things but i still need learn more about them.
Heres the picture that we started with .

& heres the picture that we ended with. Im not to happy with the final thing as there are some things that didn't really work e.g. There is a straight line which is really bold and i can see it really well and i have been trying to edit it to make it less visible but everything i have been trying seems not to do anything. But everything else seems to be ok although i do need to make the shark more imerged in the enviroment as it is looking a bit bold and stands out quite a lot but im sure i will be able to change something about that as i progress.

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