Monday, 13 September 2010

photoshop demo

 In photoshop we uese diffferent tools to make our blue orb's, so far we have got the colour & the tail. We were also changing the sizes of the brushes using the square brackets e.g. [~ to make it bigger ]~ to make it smaller, you can find this on the keyboard. For the smudge tool we used zero hardness because we wanted a soft edge effect to make it look smooth.
We also used the layers panel which is pretty simple to use, when you create a new layer you can do whatever on that layer when it is clicked when you unclick it you can't.
Heres the finished orb. I think the final result is ok but i think i could have done a lot better on this. The orb doesn't seem to be as glowing as i would like it but i think its oik for my first try.

On this edited version of the orb i have used the brush tool. I have made my own brush tool to create the bubble effect that is now on the picture. I have also used the drag opacity tool to make the bubbles look more like they are under water and it makes the orb look more realistic. I think that it is pretty cool what has come out of making these brushes

 The final things we did was to create a green orb exaclty like the blue orb to add to the woman image. Then we added some green and blue highlights where we thought they would go if they were actually a light. Heres the final image that i put it together.

 I really like my final image that we put together it turned out better than i expected, the light in places has turned out to look good where it is which i am really happy about.


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