Tuesday, 21 September 2010

hippo lizzard

Our task today was to watch a demo and create a half hippo half lizzard
we started off with the lizzerd.
Then we had a cut out head of a hippo and placed it onto the lizzerd picture

Placing the image of the hippo over the lizzerd image was pretty easy, you simply drag the head of the hippo and place it where you think it looks best. Then press edit and the button free transform and you can then change the size and angle of the hippo head. .....so that it fits exactly on the neck of the lizzerd ans so that it looks realistic.
The next task is to change the colour of the hippos head so that the colour is exactly the same as the lizzerds body. This is done by adding a color balence layer to the picture and moving the sliders up and down to get the exact color.

The next thing you do after this is to blend in the head to to the body so it doesn't bold and stuck out, this will definetly make it look like its a real 'hizzard'.

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